La Casa Esperanza

La Casa Esperanzaは身内からの性的虐待や身体的暴力を受けた子どもと女性のシェルターである。カサエスペランザは、24時間対応の緊急的シェルターである。




1, 暴力







We divided 5 parts based on 5steps.

First is Violence. In Direct violence, there are two forms “physical, sexual abuse and mental, psychological violence”. Physical, sexual abuse is beating from abusers, hitting the victim attempting to kill them with weapon like guns or knives. Mental, psychological violence is threatening (Because the father said, if you tell this to someone, I will kill them first and you.), trauma, bad dreams, displacement of feelings, bad habits like stealing &lying.
Structural violence is poverty, lacks education and distance (EX. Family lives in the rural areas where access to government services is limited, overusing of power.)

Second is Self-Reliance. The victims keep the tragic experience by herself for long time but is eager to seek refuge from authorities. They go and act protection from police by themselves. They are not afraid to open up themselves/ they know how to trust the right people active participation to activities in the center. They have positive outlook in life... they hope for better life after the traumatic experience. They allow themselves to be away from their family for protection of their family members and their ownselves.

Third is Obstacles.

Fears of discovery, blame from family members, to desire to meet family.

Fourth is Solidarity. Presence of Peace Core volunteer, we met a Karen who belongs to this. She helps the victims to think many activities. It is international effort. And we also met a Japanese volunteer. He teaches the victims English, and he gives a car, money to Casa.
Presence of different kinds of services to provide needs of clients. Sending children to school, life skill activities (team-building), Field trips (quarterly), Presence of house parents
Presence of visitors from time to time, Donations, Visitors that facilitate activities, Participation to DSWD’s programs for children
Assistance-filing cases in court against their abusers

Fifth is Commitment. To tell children & women humanity, to advocate about DV and SV because...*example: incest case – some won’t believe that it is possible. However, it is a fact that all of us must face. It happens but it is unknown for some reasons we don’t know. Maybe, no one likes to talk about it or no one has the courage to report this kind of abuse for fear. As students, we can be advocates by raising awareness to children or women of its existence and the reasons why it happens.


1. Exposure site is La casa Esperanza
The location is a little far from the city proper but it was nice and peaceful. However, it lacks with nice facilities. It is a routine that children wake up early and clean around the center together with their house parents.
The children of Casa Esperanza are very cheerful despite of their experiences. They gave us love. They are very strong individuals. It only shows that they are very positive in looking after their lives and even in the very darkest days of their lives they see hope and are very much brave to face life and its challenges.

2. Accommodation
The dog hauls very loud during bed time. It is disturbing. We were placed in the guest room of the Center. It is good. We have our own beds.

3. Guide
Our facilitator – Ate Dali, the Social Worker of the Center – is very kind. She explained about Casa and gave us the schedule of activities and introduced us to the people we will be with on the duration of the exposure.

Student Partner – Pring Pring
She was very punctual and led us. She always translated for us. She was observant of small things. She always asked us “what do you want to do?” So, we spent time without worry. She taught Filipino songs. She is cheerful and cute.

4. Transportation
We rode pedicab. It was fun but the road was rough due to construction.

5. Foods
Kyon likes the rice and dishes. Especially snacks.”
Kasava – it is root crop, delicious and sweet, Dinuldog – it is hot and sweet, Halo-halo it’s likes fruit mix , sweet, fresh, simple and cold.
Yuuka likes Halo-Halo the best. She doesn’t like the rice, because it was a little hard and cold. Banana is sweeter than Japan banana.

6. Schedule
The schedule was ok but if there was more time, we would like to interview more children in the Center.

7. Other Concerns
8. Recommendations
