
 私はブキノン民族の一人の女性、エリニータ・リーナ・ガルドスとNGOのRural Missionaries of the Philippinesの二人の女性、センティアとレイヤに話を聞いた。ブキノン民族はペジャクワイバランガイ・クマリスキース、ドン・サルバドール、ベネディクトの山の中に住んでいる。彼女は英語がしゃべれないためにNGOの女性に英語に通訳してもらった。










連帯はインタビューをしたNGO、Rural Missionaries of the Philippinesとの連帯がある。この団体は宗教的なユニットと一般の人々から成り立っている。ここは二つの活動のタイプがあり、一つはアドボカシーでこれは主にカトリック教会の役割である。ほかの人々に彼らのおかれている状況を知らせ、彼ら自身にもより良い生き方を伝える。二つ目は小作農支援プログラムで、農業者や漁業の人や先住民族で構成されている。彼らは識字など基礎教育の機会を与える。



5 steps of violence
〜Indigenous people〜

I interviewed one woman of Bukidnon tribe, Elenita Lina-Gardose and two women from the organization, Rural Missionaries of the Philippines. Bukidnon tribe lives in the mountain, sitio pediacway, barangay Kumaliskis Don Salvador Benedicto. They cannot speak English, so woman from organization translated into English for me.

Direct violence is a difference of income. They are exploited by buyer when they sell some production to the buyer. They buy the productions at very low price from bukidnon tribe, but buyer can sell the productions at more expensive price. So almost of the price is the income of buyer. And for long tines ago, outside people cut too much trees. They have some connection with the government. That is also direct violence. Because there land became very poor soil and now there are few trees. They cannot product sweet potato or corn better like some years ago.

Next, Structural violence is the erosion. Their poor soil caused by the erosion related to cut tree in direct violence. And they do not have literacy because their place is too far from the city in addition to the poverty, so they cannot go to school. It is also problem that the mayor and high post in this place is composed in one family. So their voice is not reflected.

Self reliance is to sell productions (banana, sweet potato). And they make an instrument with bamboo for farming like a basket. And they sell them.

Obstacles are exploitation by buyer in the city. And also their voice cannot be reflected in Don Salvador. Other indigenous people often have an obstacle that multinational companies destroy their environment for the benefit. In the Philippines, there is a mining program. For example, the government contracted it with one Feriegn Company. That was the promise that government can receive 40% of the company’s income. So there are some corruptions of the government. Because of them, the water is polluted following to the river and sea. The children become skin disease.

Solidarity is in organization, Rural Missionaries of the Philippines. This organization is composed of conjugational religious, priests and lay members. Their actions have two types. One is the advocacy. It is mainly part of the Catholic Church. The other is Peasant Organizing Support Program. This is organized by farmer, fishermen and indigenous people. They give them the opportunity of basic education like literacy.

When I think what the connection between me and victims is, there is an existence of Japanese multinational companies. In their interview, Japanese company also came up as an example. So we have to check the Japanese companies in the Philippines if they destroy their subsistence. Moreover, they are in far place from economic system, so the land or nature is very important for them. It is dangerous to deprive them. So we have to inform multinational companies about them.

