

私たちのグループは、アジア学院から独立したMC-ARI(Mother Consuelo-Asian Rural Institute)というNGOでエクスポージャーをおこなった。「サトウキビ畑にひそむ暴力」をテーマに、MC-ARIの活動を見学・体験し、周辺のサトウキビ農家たちにインタビューをして調査を進めていった。以下に私たちが見つけた暴力の5段階を述べていきたい。






こうしたサトウキビ農家の現状に関わっているのが、NGOのMC-ARIである。1995年にMC-ARIはアジア学院とオーガスチン女子修道会の共同事業として発足し、主に有機農業の技術やアイディアをMC-ARIのモデル農園を見本に提供し、地元高校生へのスカラーシップなどをおこなっている。2006年には周辺のサトウキビ農家を回り、家庭の支出調査を行った。その結果が表のAnnual Family Expenditure 2006である。この表からも見て取れるように、一番大きな支出は食費であり、その割合は47.6%の約半分である。その次に多いのが教育費の18.4%で約2割ということになる。MC-ARIはこの数値に着目し、以下の3つの主な活動にも取り組んでいる。

@ 地元の高校生たちへのスカラーシッププログラム

A 近隣農家へのセミナー開催

B 農機具の貸し出し





Exposure in Bacolod ARAI Miho
2008/11/17-19 KAWASHIMA Yoriko
Dr. Yokoyama Masaki KO Kyonhi

Violence surrounding Sugarcane Farmers
-Why Sugarcane Farmers Are Still Poor?-

Our groups went to MC-ARI (Mother Consuelo-Asian Rural Institute) for exposure in Bacolod. MC-ARI center was established in partnership with Japanese NGO in 1995. Our theme in this exposure is “Violence surrounding Sugarcane Farmers”. We researched about activities of MC-ARI and the lives of local sugarcane farmers. The 5 steps that we found is as follow.

(Structural Violence)
In1980’s Negros sugar crisis happened. This happened not because of natural disaster, but due to the social structures in Negros. That’s why, philippine was controlled by Spanish for 333 years. In this term, Sugarcane plantation started and Philippine’s aguricalture changed from self-sufficient to sugarcane monoculture and plantation. By the sugarcane monoculture and plantation systems, people have Colonial mentality and dependency on landlords. 1972 President Marcos proclaimed Martial law. And in the international market sharp fall of sugar prices happened.

We found 2 things sugarcane farmer’s effort to overcome violence by the victims. First is Agriculture for food. Some people makes rice and vegetables in their fields or their garden to eat by themselves. Second is job hunting during the raining season. They have no works in the time because nothing to do. So we call the time during May to September “dead seasons”. In dead seasons farmer go to the city to hunt job.

One of the Obstacles is few education opportunities. In the Philippine, sugar cane workers can’t afford to send their children in the school, because of a lack of money. The second obstacle is agrarian reform has not been successful. We asked sugar cane workers, they don’t have their own land; also they don’t have the CLOA. The third obstacle is few experience and technologies in organic farming. They don’t have experiences and technologies; expect the sugar cane, because of monoculture. The forth obstacle is they have no capital. They can’t earn enough money. The fifth of the obstacle is no water and irrigation available. Water is necessary for agriculture. No water and irrigation is big problems.

MC-ARI is the one who tries to help sugarcane farmers’ lives. In 2006, MC-ARI surveyed on household expenditures of local sugarcane farmers. The result of the research is the graph of “Annual Family Expenditures 2006”. You can see the biggest expenditure is food; 47.6%, and the second is 18.4%. MC-ARI pointed at this date, and takes 3 main actions.
@ High school scholarship program
→MC-ARI gives a chance for high school students to take education. Instead of that, scholarship students work in the MC-ARI demo farm every Saturday. This is good relationship “Give-and-Take” with them.
A Regular seminars
→MC-ARI organizes for introducing the organic farming techniques.
B Farm facilities
→Farm facilities (rice-mill and rise thresher) are open for the community use.
⇒Local farmers grow rice and show interest in home gardening more and more by these activities.

In this exposure, we learned the importance of self- sufficiency because it helps sugarcane farmers improve their lives; for example they can hold down the expenditures of food, and they can use the money for other ways. On the other hand, Japan depend almost all foods in overseas. Japanese food-self-sufficiency rate is 39%, and the Philippines are higher than Japan. We thought this is big dilemma. We should think and improve ourselves at first.


We could heard that MC-ARI’s beneficiary. MC-ARI’s scholarship is a hope for whom taken their opportunities. It is not only important to give them opportunity but also over come their positions by them self. MC-ARI’s support is not one sided.
Sugar cane farmers life is take roots for agriculture. MC-ARI is a model for agriculture. Particularly, organic farm is good endeavor for sugar cane farmers. Raising their own food is effective for them. Organic farm is good for environments; also it can be reduce their extra expenditures. It has vitalities. I thought MC-ARI’s support really help them through exposure in MC-ARI.

