貧困問題(西川) ポリティカルキリング(土地)


アジア現地実習             2008年11月26日
  Keren Jae Bentres&西川由希子


T はじめに

 私はシブランにあるCAMPUCO (Community Ajong Multi Purpose Cooperative)という農業組合に行った。1993年に20人のメンバーで始まったCAFU(Cansal-ing Farmers Organization)から2005年にCAMPUCOという名前に変わり、現在では132人のメンバーが生活を良くするために協力し合っている。CAMPUCOはPAGBAG-Oというグループの1つ(全部で17グループ)で、PAGBAG-OがCAMPUCOに資金や技術のサポートをしている。CAMPUCOのメンバーは有機肥料を作ったり、家畜を飼ったりして生活を良くしようと努力していたが、それらの努力を阻害するさまざまな暴力や阻害要因が存在していた。

U 暴力

1 直接的暴力

2 構造的暴力
CAMPUCO(Community Ajong Multi Purpose Cooperative)に加盟している農家の人たちのインタビューの中で、私は6つの構造的暴力を見つけた。


W 阻害要因


X 連帯


Y 関与


Ferris University Exposure Program Nov.26.2008
Yukiko Nishikawa & Keren Jae Bentres

A five step approach: PAGBAG-O (CAMPUCO)


a, Direct Violence
(No direct violence)

b, Structural violence
There is lack of land cultivate. The farmers can’t make enough products for daily living
because of small land. Also, there is lack of water. Water supply in the community is not only
basic use (cooking, washing clothes, etc.) but not enough to maintain the farms. The weather since there are
two seasons in the Philippines, the farmer’s life are affected by the strong winds, rain and even dry season
that destroys the farm produce especially in August and in March. The farmers don’t have regular buyers
and income is dependent on the amount of harvested farm products. Farmers work harder and longer than what is should be in order to level up their income. Although there is the Land reform program of the government, farmers didn’t have chance to own the lands they cultivate because the owners still hold
the land.


First, Farmers are members of the CAMPUCO (Community Ajong Multi Purpose Cooperative).
Second is Domestication of animals and farming. The animals they care and the farm products they produce help them a lot in their daily consumption and can generate income. Farmers were helped by
Department of Agriculture to increase their income by Dispersal method or domestic animal like female
swine to the farmers to take care. If the pigs will grow and will give birth, two of the piglets will return to theDA for as a counterpart. From then on, the ownership of the said swine will be permanently bestowed to
the farmer. In addition, farmers rely for food on the crops they plant. As said by the farmers, they plant corn
for their own consumption only. There is a sense of responsibility for each other as members of the
cooperative and as neighbor. The farmers are always ready to help a member who is in need. This
can be show in a situation where a member in need asks help from the cooperative about
cooperative about food for the needy family. As a response, the members will contribute or give some of their farm products and some cash to help the family. Also, every member participates in the activities of
the Cooperative. Likewise, there is also a positive regard for each other on their own different capacities and capabilities.


Production of Organic fertilizers is still on the development level. Though the farmers are educatedabout the techniques on how to do organic fertilizers, there is no enough paraphernalia and skills to do it.
Second, there is lack of income generating strategies and projects. Due to lack of capital to start a
project, the farmers rely more on farming and domestication of animals. However, there is lack in the farming techniques like using fertilizers for the crops that may increase the amount of harvest. And, thefarmers have a weak practice of rights. The farmers have to be contended of what they have and
what they the farmers have to be contented of what they have and what they are right now because they have no choice but to be one. And even though they want to own the land they are farming,
they said that it is difficult to do it.
Third, there is no security of farmers in terms of because there is always the possibility in the future that they will be pulled out from the place and be relocated
because they work on and the land where their houses are built upon. This is due to the fact
that as of the moment, the heirs of the land are not yet settled about the land distribution.


PAGBAGO has been a great help for the farmers in terms of financial support and even technical
The CAMPUCO regarded PAGBAG-O as their umbrella in their growth as a group.
PAGBAGO have done important thing in the development of the Cooperative which includes: Lending of
money for Capital, conducting seminars and trainings that teach the farmers to improve their own life
condition as well as the group as a whole such as cooperative management techniques, organic fertilizer
production techniques, livelihood trainings, entrepreneurship others and they give ideas to farmers on how toimprove the community and cooperative.
Second is Department of Agriculture. The department ofAgriculture is of great help in the improvement of the farmer’s life through the enhancement of knowledge and skills of farmers regarding farming. They are also responsible in the Dispersal Project that helps increasethe income of the farmers.


Through this gathered data, the Japanese and Filipino people will be able to know about the present condition of the farmers. Furthermore, the data gathered will help inform Filipino people and other concerned individual like the government to promote awareness of the present condition of the farmers and stimulate their minds to formulate actions that will improve such condition. With the experience that we had, we will commit ourselves to learn more about the life of the farmers not only in Cansal-ing but also in other parts of the country, and to do some actions in helping them improve their present life and eradicate the idea of poverty through this advocacy.


